Mid-Year Life Evaluation: Workbook 1
A few days ago I received an email about this life-evaluation ritual from Arriane and it inspired me to start my own. According to the email workbooks will be sent over the next few days. And today is the day! I received my first workbook!!!! Yey! So blessed to a part of her growing community!
Just a little background of how i planned this year would be.
I started my year with more than 3 planners, filled with goals and aspirations. Personal Development, Financial, Relationship Goals - name it I have it written down. I spent days researching for ways to approach my goals and how to stick with it for the whole year and I was so excited -- for the first few weeks, but it dried up and eventually I ignored it and now its already the 2nd half of the year. It's not all negative though. I still managed to accomplish few goals which I have included when I answered the 1st workbook.
Braver Goals: Workbook
Workbook #1: Evaluate Yourself
Wins and Failures
1. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your sense of fulfillment from what you've accomplished in the last 6 months?
With 1 being Most Fulfilled, and 10 being Very Disappointed.
6, I had a lot of goals when the year started but when it's time for follow through I have more excuses and end up being disappointed.
TODO: optimize / cache
2. What were your biggest wins from the last 6 months? Claim those victories!
Feel free to list them down in bullet points. Doesn't have to be formal. Don't overthink it. This is your workbook after all!
-Was able to save 7k to buy my own SJCam
-Was able to start a small online business
-Was able to prepare my siblings for this school year
-Achieved Perfect Attendance for the first 4 months of the year
-Read more than 4 books in a month
3. What were your biggest failures from the last 6 months? Be honest.
Feel free to list them down in bullet points. Doesn't have to be formal. Don't overthink it. This is your workbook after all!
-Unable to loose weight as planned -Didn't go back to being an active church member
-Didn't continue my online courses -Very low work performance
4. Now that you've reflected on & listed your wins and failures down....
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your sense of fulfillment from what you've accomplished in the last 6 months? Did the rating change from the first rating you gave yourself.
8 - I am more disappointed to see how well I planned but never really pushed myself to do what it takes to achieve my goals.
5. But before you go, let me know: What's YOUR biggest struggle in re-motivating yourself to get back to pursuing your goals?
I want results but I want it quick.