Powerful Life Tool
Journaling can help with personal growth and development. By regularly recording your thoughts you will gain insight into your behaviors and moods.
Here are some of the benefits of journaling:
Achieving Goals
Journaling often includes your dreams and ambitions. Writing down you goals signals the brain that "it's important". Your reticular activating system then flags relevant opportunities and tools to achieve that goal.
Clarify your thoughts and feelings
Whenever you feel unsure about life, start writing what's going on and reflect on what you should do next. Taking a few minutes to sit down and write your thoughts will help you get in touch with what you should do next.
Know yourself better
Writing down regulary will help you get to know what things makes you happy or angry. What triggers your emotions. Helps you feel better about yourself. Reveals your processes - how you think, learn, create and use intuition. Is a close, intimate, accepting, trusting, caring, honest, non-judgmental, perfect friend. Helps rid you of the masks you wear. Helps you see yourself as an individual.
Reduce stress
Writing about what made you feel angry or sad helps release the intensity of these feelings. Offers a deeper level of learning, order, action and release. Increases focus.
Captures your life story
Teaches you how to write stories by capturing family and personal happenings.
Start journaling and see how this powerful tool help your life. Best of luck on your journaling journey!