No Complaining Challenge
It has been part of our daily lives. Complaining, ranting, whining. This is one of the things that are stressing me out. And I didn’t realize it until I couldn’t take all my endless whiling.
Even the small things, I always have something bad to say about it. I am talkative and active person. I am used to make fun of others. I have this humor of really being blunt. So with that being said I was not aware until now that because I’m so used to talk about anything and feeling that it’s okay to say mean things, I end up saying bad things about jut anything.
It’s not helping me feel better, it’s not fixing the situation, in fact it only makes it worse.
So I decided, together with my workmate, that we would stop complaining or else a P5 fine will be implemented. I created a post-it reminder ” NO COMPLANING ALLOWED” and I posted it on our monitor. To constantly remind us that we must watch the words that come out of our mouth as well as the way we handle things at work.
I was nervous after we made tye deal. I prayed and asked God to guide me and teach me to discipline myself.
Here’s what happened:
I decided to create a Complain Journal. Not to list down the things I want to complain about but to allow me to write down the things that made me feel irritated for the day and what the reasons are and the way I feel about it.
It turned out well. I occasionally laughed about how I really tried to calm myself and have a deep breath before reacting to anything.
It made me feel good and light. It’s a good practice especially that I am working on a Collections Account and a lot of customers don’t want to pay their debts and your left complaining about how that last call went. But today I’m happy that I didn’t pay for anything and just enjoyed the day.
Day 2
We still reminded ourselves of our deal. But at the middle of the day we made justification of some of the words we said. It’s funny that none of us wants to pay for complaning.
Towards the end of the day my mind is not that focused on the challenge. So I had some complaints about my lunch, about my Hubby having a practice after work. Well it’s not a major complaining or whining. I just expressed what i felt about the situation but no big deal because we we’re okay.
So I guess that’s it for day 2.
It’s Saturday. So I’m home all day. And because I’m with my siblings I totally forgot about the challenge and started COMPLANING about how disrespectful my siblings are towards each other. Although it was less than what I’ve been saying before entering this challenge.
Hopefully tomorrow I would be able to minimize my complains.